Shanahan Ridge and Upper Bluestem trails

Later than previous years, wildflowers are starting to bloom along 4 mile loop around Shanahan Ridge, Mesa and Upper Bluestem trail. Most obvious and abundant are Spring Beauties along the North Fork Shanahan and Nuttal’s violets along the Upper Bluestem.

Pasque flower, Pulsatilla ludoviciana, Ranunculaceae (Buttercup), shanahan ridge 04082019 (1)Pasque flower, Pulsatilla ludoviciana, Ranunculaceae (Buttercup) on South Fork Shanahan trail with a fly.

Wavyleaf dandilion Nothocalais cuspidata, Asteraceae (sunflower), shananan ridge 04082019Wavyleaf dandilion Nothocalais cuspidata, Asteraceae (sunflower). Upper Bluestem trail

Spring beauty, Claytonia rosea, Portulacaceae (Purslane), Shanahan ridge 04082019 (1)Spring beauty, Claytonia rosea, Portulacaceae (Purslane).

Mouse ear chickweed, Cerastium strictum, Alsinaceae (Chickweed), Bluestem trail 04082019Mouse ear chickweed, Cerastium strictum, Alsinaceae (Chickweed)

Salt and pepper, Lomatium orientale, Apiaceae (Parsley), Shannahan Ridge 04082019Salt and pepper, Lomatium orientale, Apiaceae (Parsley)Kinnikinnick, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae (Heath) Shanahan ridge 04082019Kinnikinnick, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Ericaceae (Heath) Shanahan ridge 04082019

Nuttall’s Violet, Viola nuttalli, Violaceae (Violet) Shanahan Ridge 04082019Nuttall’s Violet, Viola nuttalli, Violaceae (Violet)

Oregon grape, Mahonia repens, Berberidaceae (Barberry),Mesa trail 04082019 (1)Oregon grape, Mahonia repens, Berberidaceae (Barberry)

Jagged chickweed, Holosteum umbellatum, Caryophyllaceae (pink family), introduced species. Lower bluestem grazed area.

Echinocereus viridiflorus (Hen-and-Chickens), Cactaceae (Cactus), Shanahan ridge 04082019 spines grow in lines along longitudinal ridgesEchinocereus viridiflorus (Hen-and-Chickens), Cactaceae (Cactus). spines grow in lines along longitudinal ridges. Bluestem trail

bird turkey vultureturkey vulture

Rocky Mountain National Park wildflowers, shrubs, and bugs

Purple Fringe, Phacelia sericea, Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf) or borage family per sw colo wildflowers (3)A close up of Purple Fringe,  Phacelia sericea.  My friend Alice found this at the Alluvial fan.  It is also called purple pincushion — imagine the long stamens with yellow anthers are the pins. For this blog, I go with USDA plant database to chose between synonyms or to ID families, so I’ll call this a Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf). But one of my favorite websites, , puts this in the Borage family.

Purple Fringe, Phacelia sericea, Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf) or borage family per sw colo wildflowers (1)

Purple Fringe,  Phacelia sericea . At the Alluvial fan.

wood tick

Darn tick! Found this when I got home. The only tick in Rocky Mountain National Park is the Rocky Mountain wood tick. I believe this is a male. According to the fact sheet linked below, these can cause Colorado Tick Fever.

RMNP tick fact sheet


Northern Fairy Candelabra, Androsace septentrionalis, Primulaceae (Primrose Family). I love the name of this tiny white flower. First photo is from Aluvial fan, second and third from Aspen Glen loop trail.

All the other cool stuff! Click on photos for slideshow with ID.